Definition of Surface area

1. Noun. The extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary. "It was about 500 square feet in area"

Exact synonyms: Area, Expanse
Generic synonyms: Extent
Specialized synonyms: Acreage, Land Area, Footprint, Erasure, Blank Space, Place, Space, Space, Balk, Baulk, Plane Section, Section
Derivative terms: Areal

Definition of Surface area

1. Noun. The total area on the surface of a three-dimensional figure. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Surface Area

surf riding
surf ski
surf skis
surface-active agent
surface-conduction electron-emitter display
surface-conduction electron-emitter displays
surface-to-air missile
surface-to-air missile system
surface area
surface areas
surface boundary layer
surface boundary layers
surface car
surface cars
surface clutter
surface energy
surface fire
surface gage
surface gauge
surface lift
surface mail
surface mine

Literary usage of Surface area

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Materials of Construction by Harry E. Pulver (1922)
"Proportioning Concrete by Edwards' surface area Method. This method is one proposed by Mr. LN Edwards. From the results of tests Mr. Edwards found that, ..."

2. A Treatise on the American Law Relating to Mines and Mineral Lands Within by Curtis Holbrook Lindley (1903)
"surface area, length, and width of lode claims. § 362. Location covering excessive area. § 363. Surface conflicts with prior unpatented locations. § 363a. ..."

3. A Biometric Study of Basal Metabolism in Man by James Arthur Harris, Francis Gano Benedict (1919)
"MEASUREMENT OF BODY-surface area. When one thinks of a physical or biological "law" he naturally assumes that the measurements upon which it is grounded are ..."

4. A Treatise on the American Law Relating to Mines and Mineral Lands Within by Curtis Holbrook Lindley (1903)
"surface area, length, and width of lode claims. § 362. Location covering excessive area. § 363. Surface conflicts with prior unpatented locations. § 363a. ..."

5. Lubrication and Lubricants: A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of by Leonard Archbutt, Richard Mountford Deeley (1900)
"Proportional to surface area.—As any increase in the area of a surface involves the expenditure of work, and as either increase or decrease in the value of ..."

6. Text-book of the Materials of Engineering by Herbert Fisher Moore, Harrison Frederick Gonnerman (1920)
"Concrete proportioned by the surface-area method has been found by tests to be ... The fineness modulus method and the surface area method of proportioning ..."

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